“At present local investor sentiment especially retail market likely to increase due to increase of fundamental earning in companies seems to be positive. But with that trend foreign investor also start invest in the stock market,” Dedigama told the Daily News Business. He said that some of the companies have announced their fundamental corporate earnings, which indicates good profits. Therefore, local retail investor sentiment is very positive while foreign investor sentiment would increase with this trend, Dedigama said.
He said that in line with the positive factors, it could maintain ASPI target of 9,000 by end of 2014. However, the sentiment is likely to improve gradually and this year, he said. Its latest report also predicted corporate profit growth to bounce back from 2013.After two years of exceptional growth (of 75 percent and 25 percent respectively) in corporate profits, 2012 is seemingly a year of consolidation with profits remaining flat from previous year up to September.
- See more at: http://dailynews.lk/?q=business/positive-market-investor-sentiment-continue#sthash.8iFpQWxd.dpuf