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I will never buy Poultry stocks here after !! its a sin..

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Senior Manager - Equity Analytics
Senior Manager - Equity Analytics

Buyin shares on particular stocks means ur a shareholder in that particular share.. buyin these shares, straightly says u owe a company where ppl kill animals to earn..

what goes around comes around.. !!

who is with me ?? we re stil not late to make our mind.

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windi5 wrote:We got alternative sources for getting those vitamins, isnt it?. i have been vegetarian for 10 years, nothing happened to me but im very healthy and very relaxed. In countries like SL, we got plenty of options, variety of vegetables,it might be difficult for middle eastern countries as they have nothing but deserts. Now lots of foreigners going for vegetable leaving meats behind due to lots of fatal illnesses are associated with those meats for example obesity and cholesterol.

dear windi5.
if you are on any argument about stocks or investments i won't confront you.
but i think , that i have knowledge and the right to confront you as you are misleading people here.

1- you don't have any alternative source to get animal based amino acids. even in any preperation , it's still animal based.yes vitamin b complexes you can.but not heam iron.

2- I'm sorry to say i dont know your age, but being an vegetarian you have already loosen things that you even dont know.
if you had children then, already they are at risk of defective neural devolopment.
your sexual intimacy threshold had gone up so you may never feel the climax or rarely.
in a simplwe language its like driving a tata by believing it's a ferrari. you never know the difference until you feel it.

3.your argument is wrong sis, as non of these so called vegetable can't give so called components.
i can be more scientific , but then you wont undestand.
your explanations are like
Level I: Scientific evidence is lacking, of poor quality, or conflicting, such that the risk versus benefit balance cannot be assessed. Clinicians should help patients understand the uncertainty surrounding the clinical service.

4. obesity doesn't come from protein sis. ots the fat you use and carbohydrte you use and the exertion you put for your body. cholesterole is also the fats and that's found in animal foods i agree.
so do you know that how many pesticides, weedicides , litium, and toxins , and eggs of worms are coming with vegetable based foods.

5. foreigner do various things, not only being veg.some of them are not suitable to thi,s is also one of them. they thought us to smoke, drink, and now to be veg. all in same account.........

6.if still you are so fascinated being veg...? sorry for you and please note that there were 76 vegetarians in my batch , and after 5 years of learning the count went to zero..

7.teach some biology for your children so they won't be so...............

no hard feelings and with all due respect


Antonym wrote:
Think9 wrote:Buyin shares on particular stocks means ur a shareholder in that particular share.. buyin these shares, straightly says u owe a company where ppl kill animals to earn..

what goes around comes around.. !!

who is with me ?? we re stil not late to make our mind.

Don't buy automobile stocks... Cars create air and sound pollution.
Don't buy hotel stocks... Have you seen how much food they waste?
Don't buy real estate stocks... They probably cut down trees to put up that building.
Don't buy banking stocks... They charge interest, which is exploitative.
Don't buy any stocks... The stock market is a capitalistic device whereby the rich take money from the poor.

Different people have different ideas. I think we should respect everyone. If someone thinks it's a sin, let them to proceed as they want. On the other had invloving to direct killing & indirect killing is different.

You work hard & earn money, and 15% of it goes to EPF account, and they invest it in GRAN is different that you directly invest in GRAN or BFL.

I don't ask others to stop investing in Poultry stocks. But I think if someone does not like to invest in those, let's respect them, for their idea.

By the way I do not invest in BFL or Tobacco. But still I have planty of stock types to invest.

Post Fri Sep 23, 2011 8:12 pm by rijayasooriya

chan5 wrote:good argument brother,

but there are practical limitations...
meat or animal based foods are essential to maintain the quality of life,
specially the heam iron and certain vitamins like vitamin B12 and riboflavin.
also out of all 20 essential amino acids there are few ,can't get from any plant source, and which are essential to maintain a healthy life cycle.
specifically child bearing age females should have this in the time of conceive as its essential to build the nervous system fundamentals.unless the baby become an idiot with low iq.

so there are pro s and con s.
i'm looking at the world through science,
religions come next.

This is a very big misconception.There is no need to kill animals to get those vitamins.Milk products can provide all these vitamins which are not in plant source. Meat contains lot of harmful chemicals.So if u are a vegetarian it is a best and healthy life.

The other point is it is not a sin to invest in poultry shares.If u do not have killing intention it is not sin according to buddhism.You can argue that u indirectly participate in killing process but if u do not have such an intention it is not a sin.But there is an ethical issue.

Of course we have to maintain human rights.But there is no need to wait to protect animal rights till we fullfill all the human rights which is a relative term and can vary from one country to another country under some basic principals.

We may argue on this for years without a conclusion. This has been happening for many years in the history doing research in world labs.
Would like quoting the history of findings from wikipedia;
Quote start:
In 1978, a study incorporating EEG (electroencephalograph) with electrodes surgically implanted on the skull of 17 sheep and 15 calves, and conducted by Wilhelm Schulze et al. at the University of Veterinary Medicine in Germany concluded that "the slaughter in the form of a ritual cut is, if carried out properly, painless in sheep and calves according to EEG recordings and the missing defensive actions" (of the animals) and that "For sheep, there were in part severe reactions both in bloodletting cut and the pain stimuli" when captive bolt stunning (CBS) was used.[13][17] This study is cited by the German Constitutional Court in its permitting of dhabiha slaughtering.[18]

In 2003, the Farm Animal Welfare Council (FAWC), an independent advisory group, concluded that the way halal and kosher meat is produced causes severe suffering to animals and should be banned immediately. FAWC argued that cattle required up to two minutes to bleed to death when such means are employed. The Chairperson of FAWC at the time, Judy MacArthur Clark, added, "this is a major incision into the animal and to say that it doesn't suffer is quite ridiculous." Halal and kosher butchers deny that their method of killing animals is cruel and expressed anger over the FAWC recommendation.[16]

Majid Katme of the Muslim Council of Britain also disagreed, stating that "it's a sudden and quick haemorrhage. A quick loss of blood pressure and the brain is instantaneously starved of blood and there is no time to start feeling any pain."[16]
Quote end.
You may read the dull article on

We argue here to reduce the suffering of a dying animal. Cheating our self? Why don,t we become vegetarian in order to show our love to these animals?
"rewlayee kedayee 2me bee"

It is one’s personal choice.
I too avoid SIN shares, though they give higher returns.
One has to eat meat to get certain minerals and vitamins are not a scientifically valid argument.


Post Fri Sep 23, 2011 10:28 pm by cweerakoon

I have never invested not only chicken shares but also alcohol and tobacco shares from the begining. I also with you think 9. Due to this i lost 10 times high return of BFL last year. But i never worried. I feel investing in chicken, tobacco and alcohol company commited sin according to buddhism. Because lord buddha not recommended to do certain kind of tradings in his sutta, including killing animals and selling illicit drugs or alcohol/war weapons,etc.. Share holding means you are one of the owner of such a business and you taking profit from such a business, even though you are not killing animal according to 5 moral principals. According to science and medicine they recommend eating fish is a heathy food habit. Not chicken or meat which contain high amount of cholesterol.
So chicken investment can't justified according to science for alcohol and tobacco same. This is my personal idea and no offence for people who like to invest on those companies.


Post Fri Sep 23, 2011 11:09 pm by stockanalytic

Smoking harms nearly every organ of the body. Smoking causes many diseases and reduces the health of smokers in general.

Smoking and Death
The adverse health effects from cigarette smoking account for an estimated 443,000 deaths, or nearly one of every five deaths, each year in the United States.2,3
More deaths are caused each year by tobacco use than by all deaths from human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), illegal drug use, alcohol use, motor vehicle injuries, suicides, and murders combined.
Smoking causes an estimated 90% of all lung cancer deaths in men and 80% of all lung cancer deaths in women.
An estimated 90% of all deaths from chronic obstructive lung disease are caused by smoking.

Compared with nonsmokers, smoking is estimated to increase the risk of—

coronary heart disease by 2 to 4 times,1,5
stroke by 2 to 4 times,1,6
men developing lung cancer by 23 times,1
women developing lung cancer by 13 times,1 and
dying from chronic obstructive lung diseases (such as chronic bronchitis and emphysema) by 12 to 13 times.1

Smoking causes coronary heart disease, the leading cause of death in the United States.
Cigarette smoking causes reduced circulation by narrowing the blood vessels (arteries) and puts smokers at risk of developing peripheral vascular disease (i.e., obstruction of the large arteries in the arms and legs that can cause a range of problems from pain to tissue loss or gangrene).1,7
Smoking causes abdominal aortic aneurysm (i.e., a swelling or weakening of the main artery of the body—the aorta—where it runs through the abdomen).

Smoking causes lung diseases (e.g., emphysema, bronchitis, chronic airway obstruction) by damaging the airways and alveoli (i.e., small air sacs) of the lungs.

Smoking causes the following cancers:1

Acute myeloid leukemia
Bladder cancer
Cancer of the cervix
Cancer of the esophagus
Kidney cancer
Cancer of the larynx (voice box)
Lung cancer
Cancer of the oral cavity (mouth)
Cancer of the pharynx (throat)
Stomach cancer
Cancer of the uterus
Smoking and Other Health Effects

Smoking has many adverse reproductive and early childhood effects, including increased risk for—

preterm delivery,
low birth weight, and
sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).

Smoking is associated with the following adverse health effects:

Postmenopausal women who smoke have lower bone density than women who never smoked.
Women who smoke have an increased risk for hip fracture than women who never smoked.



Worldwide, alcohol is responsible for a percentage of a number of conditions, as follows:

Cirrhosis - 32%
Motor vehicle accidents - 20%
Mouth and oropharyngeal cancers - 19%
Esophageal cancer - 29%
Liver cancer - 25%
Breast cancer - 7%
Homicide - 24%
Suicide - 11%
Hemorrhagic stroke - 10%


But chicken, egg, fish - I am also eating and I am investing. I respect ideas of vegetarians. But I have different view about killing and sin. I don't think that I am a sinner because of I am non-vegetarian.

rijayasooriya wrote:
chan5 wrote:good argument brother,

but there are practical limitations...
meat or animal based foods are essential to maintain the quality of life,
specially the heam iron and certain vitamins like vitamin B12 and riboflavin.
also out of all 20 essential amino acids there are few ,can't get from any plant source, and which are essential to maintain a healthy life cycle.
specifically child bearing age females should have this in the time of conceive as its essential to build the nervous system fundamentals.unless the baby become an idiot with low iq.

so there are pro s and con s.
i'm looking at the world through science,
religions come next.

This is a very big misconception.There is no need to kill animals to get those vitamins.Milk products can provide all these vitamins which are not in plant source. Meat contains lot of harmful chemicals.So if u are a vegetarian it is a best and healthy life.

you become a fool if you are arguing without scientific facts,specially with somebody who knows than you. in that field. in stock trading it may be ok. but in scientific world it's not so. yes you can see thousands of articles in internet backed by vegans. but try to see is there any article praising being vegan in lancet, new England medical journal or PubMed.

milk producta contain casein and lactoglobulin. not heam irons or essential amino acids.Of the 22 standard amino acids, 8 are called essential amino acids because the human body cannot synthesize them from other compounds at the level needed for normal growth, so they must be obtained from food.4 exclusively from animal sources than milk.


chan5 wrote:
windi5 wrote:We got alternative sources for getting those vitamins, isnt it?. i have been vegetarian for 10 years, nothing happened to me but im very healthy and very relaxed. In countries like SL, we got plenty of options, variety of vegetables,it might be difficult for middle eastern countries as they have nothing but deserts. Now lots of foreigners going for vegetable leaving meats behind due to lots of fatal illnesses are associated with those meats for example obesity and cholesterol.

dear windi5.
if you are on any argument about stocks or investments i won't confront you.
but i think , that i have knowledge and the right to confront you as you are misleading people here.

1- you don't have any alternative source to get animal based amino acids. even in any preperation , it's still animal based.yes vitamin b complexes you can.but not heam iron.

2- I'm sorry to say i dont know your age, but being an vegetarian you have already loosen things that you even dont know.
if you had children then, already they are at risk of defective neural devolopment.
your sexual intimacy threshold had gone up so you may never feel the climax or rarely.
in a simplwe language its like driving a tata by believing it's a ferrari. you never know the difference until you feel it.

3.your argument is wrong sis, as non of these so called vegetable can't give so called components.
i can be more scientific , but then you wont undestand.
your explanations are like
Level I: Scientific evidence is lacking, of poor quality, or conflicting, such that the risk versus benefit balance cannot be assessed. Clinicians should help patients understand the uncertainty surrounding the clinical service.

4. obesity doesn't come from protein sis. ots the fat you use and carbohydrte you use and the exertion you put for your body. cholesterole is also the fats and that's found in animal foods i agree.
so do you know that how many pesticides, weedicides , litium, and toxins , and eggs of worms are coming with vegetable based foods.

5. foreigner do various things, not only being veg.some of them are not suitable to thi,s is also one of them. they thought us to smoke, drink, and now to be veg. all in same account.........

6.if still you are so fascinated being veg...? sorry for you and please note that there were 76 vegetarians in my batch , and after 5 years of learning the count went to zero..

7.teach some biology for your children so they won't be so...............

no hard feelings and with all due respect


sorry for the late reply

I gave up meats when i was 16,now 26. Im not misleading ppl, i was elaborating my experience n my knowledge.

Human beings have not been born to live with eating meats. Animal based proteins, of course, are much more similar to our proteins . Plant proteins are somewhat compromised by their limitation of one or more amino acids. When we restore the relatively deficient amino acid in a plant protein, we get a response rate equivalent to animal proteins. Although protein is certainly an essential nutrient which plays many key roles in the way our bodies function, we do not need huge quantities of it. In reality, we need small amounts of protein. Only one calorie out of every ten we take in needs to come from protein.

It is very easy for a vegan diet to meet the recommendations for protein. Nearly all vegetables, beans, grains, nuts, and seeds contain some, and often much, protein.eggs, cow's milk, meat, and fish are high quality protein. This means that they have large amounts of all the essential amino acids. Soybeans, quinoa (a grain), and spinach also are considered high quality protein. Other protein sources of non-animal origin usually have all of the essential amino acids.the myth that meat is the only way to get high quality protein, in order to get enough protein without meat, considerable care is needed in choosing foods. Actually it is much easier than we think.

When we talk about iron ,dried beans and dark green leafy vegetables are especially good sources of iron, even better on a per calorie basis than meat. Iron absorption is increased markedly by eating foods containing vitamin C along with foods containing iron. Vegetarians do not have a higher incidence of iron deficiency than do meat eaters.Its true that Vegan diets only contain non-heme iron. Because of this, iron recommendations are higher for vegetarians than for non-vegetarians.vegan diet contains a form of iron that is not that well absorbed, vegans might be prone to developing iron deficiency anemia. However, surveys of vegans 2,3 have found that iron deficiency anemia is no more common among vegetarians than among the general population although vegans tend to have lower iron stores.Another reason for the satisfactory iron status of vegans is that vegan diets are high in vitamin C. Vitamin C acts to markedly increase absorption of non-heme iron. Adding a vitamin C source to a meal increases non-heme iron absorption up to six-fold which makes the absorption of non-heme iron as good or better than that of heme iron.

defective neural development,sexual intimacy, all these applies even to those who greedily eat meats.For my experience ,my climax is well in force.Im very active person.

Forefingers have understood the danger of having too much fat in their diet. which cause obesity and many other diseases,gradually they are becoming vegetarians. we trying those things when they give up understanding the risk maintaining those habits, drinking and smoking are two of them.

Its nice to see another medical student in this forum.

meat or animal based foods are essential to maintain the quality of life,

i dont think so.. not an acceptable statement by any religion. also im may not know much abt scientific stuff but i know that the worlds oldest man is a vege .. Smile


if you can do it, it is a better practice. I had this feeling years before. but frankly, I changed my mind, because,
if you don't invest in poultry, you should not eat meat!
if you reluctant to invest in DIST, LION you should better keep away from liquor and beers!
if you don't invest in Tobacco, you should not use cigarettes.

but as my feeling, shares are shares they cannot be classified as black or white.
as your concern people who worked for poultry, beverage and tobacco are culprits.

anyway, I love to see if you can stand in your position even when Poultry are on bull run.


Post Sat Sep 24, 2011 1:12 am by rijayasooriya

chan5 wrote:
rijayasooriya wrote:
chan5 wrote:good argument brother,

but there are practical limitations...
meat or animal based foods are essential to maintain the quality of life,
specially the heam iron and certain vitamins like vitamin B12 and riboflavin.
also out of all 20 essential amino acids there are few ,can't get from any plant source, and which are essential to maintain a healthy life cycle.
specifically child bearing age females should have this in the time of conceive as its essential to build the nervous system fundamentals.unless the baby become an idiot with low iq.

so there are pro s and con s.
i'm looking at the world through science,
religions come next.

This is a very big misconception.There is no need to kill animals to get those vitamins.Milk products can provide all these vitamins which are not in plant source. Meat contains lot of harmful chemicals.So if u are a vegetarian it is a best and healthy life.

you become a fool if you are arguing without scientific facts,specially with somebody who knows than you. in that field. in stock trading it may be ok. but in scientific world it's not so. yes you can see thousands of articles in internet backed by vegans. but try to see is there any article praising being vegan in lancet, new England medical journal or PubMed.

milk producta contain casein and lactoglobulin. not heam irons or essential amino acids.Of the 22 standard amino acids, 8 are called essential amino acids because the human body cannot synthesize them from other compounds at the level needed for normal growth, so they must be obtained from food.4 exclusively from animal sources than milk.


Sorry to tell u this but I have to tell this as 'u act like u know it all'.U seems to know something but u do not know everything.Do you know what is the importance of Heam Iron over the Iron ? If u know it I will tell u another fact.

Otherpoint is it seems that you think this western science is the truth.But do you know anything about quantum physics and what has happened to the Newton and to the some extent to Einstein with the discoveries in quantum physics ?

This part is for others,If u do not eat meat eat milk products and fresh green leafy vegetables u will not get anaemia or neral canal defect.Do not misguided by 'know it all's posts.

[quote="watch dog
I have seen this argument at LBO some times back!!![/quote]
Even in this forum. Few months back.

This is a hot topic.. That's why moved to the expert chambers!!

he he this has always been a hot topic. good to have a hot topic in the week end before we get into the dull mkt again on Monday. Very Happy

chan5 wrote:
rijayasooriya wrote:
chan5 wrote:good argument brother,

but there are practical limitations...
meat or animal based foods are essential to maintain the quality of life,
specially the heam iron and certain vitamins like vitamin B12 and riboflavin.
also out of all 20 essential amino acids there are few ,can't get from any plant source, and which are essential to maintain a healthy life cycle.
specifically child bearing age females should have this in the time of conceive as its essential to build the nervous system fundamentals.unless the baby become an idiot with low iq.

so there are pro s and con s.
i'm looking at the world through science,
religions come next.

This is a very big misconception.There is no need to kill animals to get those vitamins.Milk products can provide all these vitamins which are not in plant source. Meat contains lot of harmful chemicals.So if u are a vegetarian it is a best and healthy life.

you become a fool if you are arguing without scientific facts,specially with somebody who knows than you. in that field. in stock trading it may be ok. but in scientific world it's not so. yes you can see thousands of articles in internet backed by vegans. but try to see is there any article praising being vegan in lancet, new England medical journal or PubMed.

milk producta contain casein and lactoglobulin. not heam irons or essential amino acids.Of the 22 standard amino acids, 8 are called essential amino acids because the human body cannot synthesize them from other compounds at the level needed for normal growth, so they must be obtained from food.4 exclusively from animal sources than milk.


Hey chan its always good if you can practice of respecting others. Nobody is perfect,all are human beings. this is a discussion session not blaming and shaming one.
What western scientists are doing,most of them are controlled by big drugs companies, still no cure for cancers and HIV. It seems that they are spreading diseases in hoping mkt their drugs,its one of big business in the world today.

windi5 wrote:
chan5 wrote:
windi5 wrote:We got alternative sources for getting those vitamins, isnt it?. i have been vegetarian for 10 years, nothing happened to me but im very healthy and very relaxed. In countries like SL, we got plenty of options, variety of vegetables,it might be difficult for middle eastern countries as they have nothing but deserts. Now lots of foreigners going for vegetable leaving meats behind due to lots of fatal illnesses are associated with those meats for example obesity and cholesterol.

dear windi5.
if you are on any argument about stocks or investments i won't confront you.
but i think , that i have knowledge and the right to confront you as you are misleading people here.

1- you don't have any alternative source to get animal based amino acids. even in any preperation , it's still animal based.yes vitamin b complexes you can.but not heam iron.

2- I'm sorry to say i dont know your age, but being an vegetarian you have already loosen things that you even dont know.
if you had children then, already they are at risk of defective neural devolopment.
your sexual intimacy threshold had gone up so you may never feel the climax or rarely.
in a simplwe language its like driving a tata by believing it's a ferrari. you never know the difference until you feel it.

3.your argument is wrong sis, as non of these so called vegetable can't give so called components.
i can be more scientific , but then you wont undestand.
your explanations are like
Level I: Scientific evidence is lacking, of poor quality, or conflicting, such that the risk versus benefit balance cannot be assessed. Clinicians should help patients understand the uncertainty surrounding the clinical service.

4. obesity doesn't come from protein sis. ots the fat you use and carbohydrte you use and the exertion you put for your body. cholesterole is also the fats and that's found in animal foods i agree.
so do you know that how many pesticides, weedicides , litium, and toxins , and eggs of worms are coming with vegetable based foods.

5. foreigner do various things, not only being veg.some of them are not suitable to thi,s is also one of them. they thought us to smoke, drink, and now to be veg. all in same account.........

6.if still you are so fascinated being veg...? sorry for you and please note that there were 76 vegetarians in my batch , and after 5 years of learning the count went to zero..

7.teach some biology for your children so they won't be so...............

no hard feelings and with all due respect


sorry for the late reply

I gave up meats when i was 16,now 26. Im not misleading ppl, i was elaborating my experience n my knowledge.

Human beings have not been born to live with eating meats. Animal based proteins, of course, are much more similar to our proteins . Plant proteins are somewhat compromised by their limitation of one or more amino acids. When we restore the relatively deficient amino acid in a plant protein, we get a response rate equivalent to animal proteins. Although protein is certainly an essential nutrient which plays many key roles in the way our bodies function, we do not need huge quantities of it. In reality, we need small amounts of protein. Only one calorie out of every ten we take in needs to come from protein.

It is very easy for a vegan diet to meet the recommendations for protein. Nearly all vegetables, beans, grains, nuts, and seeds contain some, and often much, protein.eggs, cow's milk, meat, and fish are high quality protein. This means that they have large amounts of all the essential amino acids. Soybeans, quinoa (a grain), and spinach also are considered high quality protein. Other protein sources of non-animal origin usually have all of the essential amino acids.the myth that meat is the only way to get high quality protein, in order to get enough protein without meat, considerable care is needed in choosing foods. Actually it is much easier than we think.

When we talk about iron ,dried beans and dark green leafy vegetables are especially good sources of iron, even better on a per calorie basis than meat. Iron absorption is increased markedly by eating foods containing vitamin C along with foods containing iron. Vegetarians do not have a higher incidence of iron deficiency than do meat eaters.Its true that Vegan diets only contain non-heme iron. Because of this, iron recommendations are higher for vegetarians than for non-vegetarians.vegan diet contains a form of iron that is not that well absorbed, vegans might be prone to developing iron deficiency anemia. However, surveys of vegans 2,3 have found that iron deficiency anemia is no more common among vegetarians than among the general population although vegans tend to have lower iron stores.Another reason for the satisfactory iron status of vegans is that vegan diets are high in vitamin C. Vitamin C acts to markedly increase absorption of non-heme iron. Adding a vitamin C source to a meal increases non-heme iron absorption up to six-fold which makes the absorption of non-heme iron as good or better than that of heme iron.

defective neural development,sexual intimacy, all these applies even to those who greedily eat meats.For my experience ,my climax is well in force.Im very active person.

Forefingers have understood the danger of having too much fat in their diet. which cause obesity and many other diseases,gradually they are becoming vegetarians. we trying those things when they give up understanding the risk maintaining those habits, drinking and smoking are two of them.

Its nice to see another medical student in this forum.

@ Windi

this is Plagiarism..

U can find many of the extracts form these sites[backPid]=76&cHash=d5607d1968

U should at least give credit to the original author at least by quoting the site.

Last edited by mission on Sat Sep 24, 2011 12:19 pm; edited 1 time in total

And Please before talking of sins involving of investing in poultry stocks. first try to value humans for what they are irrespective of culture cast and creed then start thinking of animals.

and also who ever thinks that investing in poultry stocks is a sin please refrain from investing in the market. since u r indirectly contributing to all the other sins. direct or indirect a sin is a sin.

this topic is so futile.. y was this ever brought up.

mission wrote:
windi5 wrote:
chan5 wrote:
windi5 wrote:We got alternative sources for getting those vitamins, isnt it?. i have been vegetarian for 10 years, nothing happened to me but im very healthy and very relaxed. In countries like SL, we got plenty of options, variety of vegetables,it might be difficult for middle eastern countries as they have nothing but deserts. Now lots of foreigners going for vegetable leaving meats behind due to lots of fatal illnesses are associated with those meats for example obesity and cholesterol.

dear windi5.
if you are on any argument about stocks or investments i won't confront you.
but i think , that i have knowledge and the right to confront you as you are misleading people here.

1- you don't have any alternative source to get animal based amino acids. even in any preperation , it's still animal based.yes vitamin b complexes you can.but not heam iron.

2- I'm sorry to say i dont know your age, but being an vegetarian you have already loosen things that you even dont know.
if you had children then, already they are at risk of defective neural devolopment.
your sexual intimacy threshold had gone up so you may never feel the climax or rarely.
in a simplwe language its like driving a tata by believing it's a ferrari. you never know the difference until you feel it.

3.your argument is wrong sis, as non of these so called vegetable can't give so called components.
i can be more scientific , but then you wont undestand.
your explanations are like
Level I: Scientific evidence is lacking, of poor quality, or conflicting, such that the risk versus benefit balance cannot be assessed. Clinicians should help patients understand the uncertainty surrounding the clinical service.

4. obesity doesn't come from protein sis. ots the fat you use and carbohydrte you use and the exertion you put for your body. cholesterole is also the fats and that's found in animal foods i agree.
so do you know that how many pesticides, weedicides , litium, and toxins , and eggs of worms are coming with vegetable based foods.

5. foreigner do various things, not only being veg.some of them are not suitable to thi,s is also one of them. they thought us to smoke, drink, and now to be veg. all in same account.........

6.if still you are so fascinated being veg...? sorry for you and please note that there were 76 vegetarians in my batch , and after 5 years of learning the count went to zero..

7.teach some biology for your children so they won't be so...............

no hard feelings and with all due respect


sorry for the late reply

I gave up meats when i was 16,now 26. Im not misleading ppl, i was elaborating my experience n my knowledge.

Human beings have not been born to live with eating meats. Animal based proteins, of course, are much more similar to our proteins . Plant proteins are somewhat compromised by their limitation of one or more amino acids. When we restore the relatively deficient amino acid in a plant protein, we get a response rate equivalent to animal proteins. Although protein is certainly an essential nutrient which plays many key roles in the way our bodies function, we do not need huge quantities of it. In reality, we need small amounts of protein. Only one calorie out of every ten we take in needs to come from protein.

It is very easy for a vegan diet to meet the recommendations for protein. Nearly all vegetables, beans, grains, nuts, and seeds contain some, and often much, protein.eggs, cow's milk, meat, and fish are high quality protein. This means that they have large amounts of all the essential amino acids. Soybeans, quinoa (a grain), and spinach also are considered high quality protein. Other protein sources of non-animal origin usually have all of the essential amino acids.the myth that meat is the only way to get high quality protein, in order to get enough protein without meat, considerable care is needed in choosing foods. Actually it is much easier than we think.

When we talk about iron ,dried beans and dark green leafy vegetables are especially good sources of iron, even better on a per calorie basis than meat. Iron absorption is increased markedly by eating foods containing vitamin C along with foods containing iron. Vegetarians do not have a higher incidence of iron deficiency than do meat eaters.Its true that Vegan diets only contain non-heme iron. Because of this, iron recommendations are higher for vegetarians than for non-vegetarians.vegan diet contains a form of iron that is not that well absorbed, vegans might be prone to developing iron deficiency anemia. However, surveys of vegans 2,3 have found that iron deficiency anemia is no more common among vegetarians than among the general population although vegans tend to have lower iron stores.Another reason for the satisfactory iron status of vegans is that vegan diets are high in vitamin C. Vitamin C acts to markedly increase absorption of non-heme iron. Adding a vitamin C source to a meal increases non-heme iron absorption up to six-fold which makes the absorption of non-heme iron as good or better than that of heme iron.

defective neural development,sexual intimacy, all these applies even to those who greedily eat meats.For my experience ,my climax is well in force.Im very active person.

Forefingers have understood the danger of having too much fat in their diet. which cause obesity and many other diseases,gradually they are becoming vegetarians. we trying those things when they give up understanding the risk maintaining those habits, drinking and smoking are two of them.

Its nice to see another medical student in this forum.

@ Windi

this is Plagiarism..

U can find many of the extracts form these sites[backPid]=76&cHash=d5607d1968

U should at least give credit to the original author at least by quoting the site.
Its seems that you too have studied them,didnt you?. Hope you are clear about the point now. we have alternatives instead of going after meats. Not only about this topic,you can have extracts regarding anything in the internet. Its always good to study the topic and speak. I love you I love you I love you

[quote="Its seems that you too have studied them,didnt you?. Hope you are clear about the point now. we have alternatives instead of going after meats. Not only about this topic,you can have extracts regarding anything in the internet. Its always good to study the topic and speak. I love you I love you I love you [/quote]

Never mind U will never get it.. pointless talking about it. just forget it.


Post Sat Sep 24, 2011 7:45 pm by chan5

Think9 wrote:
meat or animal based foods are essential to maintain the quality of life,

i dont think so.. not an acceptable statement by any religion. also im may not know much abt scientific stuff but i know that the worlds oldest man is a vege .. Smile

i respect your view. i'm belonging to the religion "sciencism"
i agree the oldest man - you might be talking about homo hablis or or Australopithecus afarensis.

but when evolution from homo erectus is towards the carnivore, that's why still you have canine teeth........

so humans are omnivores scientifically ( eat animal and plant foods)

rijayasooriya wrote:
chan5 wrote:
rijayasooriya wrote:
chan5 wrote:good argument brother,

but there are practical limitations...
meat or animal based foods are essential to maintain the quality of life,
specially the heam iron and certain vitamins like vitamin B12 and riboflavin.
also out of all 20 essential amino acids there are few ,can't get from any plant source, and which are essential to maintain a healthy life cycle.
specifically child bearing age females should have this in the time of conceive as its essential to build the nervous system fundamentals.unless the baby become an idiot with low iq.

so there are pro s and con s.
i'm looking at the world through science,
religions come next.

This is a very big misconception.There is no need to kill animals to get those vitamins.Milk products can provide all these vitamins which are not in plant source. Meat contains lot of harmful chemicals.So if u are a vegetarian it is a best and healthy life.

you become a fool if you are arguing without scientific facts,specially with somebody who knows than you. in that field. in stock trading it may be ok. but in scientific world it's not so. yes you can see thousands of articles in internet backed by vegans. but try to see is there any article praising being vegan in lancet, new England medical journal or PubMed.

milk producta contain casein and lactoglobulin. not heam irons or essential amino acids.Of the 22 standard amino acids, 8 are called essential amino acids because the human body cannot synthesize them from other compounds at the level needed for normal growth, so they must be obtained from food.4 exclusively from animal sources than milk.


Sorry to tell u this but I have to tell this as 'u act like u know it all'.U seems to know something but u do not know everything.Do you know what is the importance of Heam Iron over the Iron ? If u know it I will tell u another fact.

Otherpoint is it seems that you think this western science is the truth.But do you know anything about quantum physics and what has happened to the Newton and to the some extent to Einstein with the discoveries in quantum physics ?

This part is for others,If u do not eat meat eat milk products and fresh green leafy vegetables u will not get anaemia or neral canal defect.Do not misguided by 'know it all's posts.

there's nothing called western science or western medicine. it's evidence based medicine and science. so i ithink i dont want to argue on heam iron with you.

quantum physics - irrelevant

This part is for others,If u do not eat meat eat milk products and fresh green leafy vegetables u will not get anaemia or neral canal defect.Do not misguided by 'know it all's posts.
i don't argue you brother. there's something wrong somewhere in our education system. we were never scientific enough as a nation.all sciences have been battered by religious views and culprits.a man should have a vision and religion.but try to be scientific too.i can give references for all my sayings in reputed journals.

let me put in this in simple way.
if you can find - please watch

prison break - us tele drama
batti or paba - sri lankan's at the same time frame

as both are produced for mass population of respective countries,
see how scientific their population by ,use of biological , chemical and physics applications.

i may sound silly, but seriously note it you will see the light.

no hard feelings


Post Sat Sep 24, 2011 8:16 pm by bePositive

I am not a vegetarian. So as far as I am concerned, if I want to I will buy poultry stocks. Since these stocks are listed in CSE.

hmmm... seriously readin all the posts gave some good points..

true.. some say its not a sin eatin meat.. ( mayb true ). so say it is.. and another crowd say we re eatin meat so y would we invest on chicken stock.

y some think all negative ?? true even i eat meat stuff.. i really wanna stop it some day soon.. but just bcoz i eat i dont have to do more sins.. if i can stop investin thats one thing im doin good for animals.... if we b negative thinkin abt bad stuff we do, we will never b able to rise up as a man with a respect. and stoppin all the bad habbits cannt b done once. u ve to do step by step , and this s another step i ve taken..

mayb eatin doesnt give a correct answer whether its a sin or not. by investin!!! ( bng one of the owners of the company ) i think its a SIN..


Post Sat Sep 24, 2011 8:57 pm by chan5

I gave up meats when i was 16,now 26. Im not misleading ppl, i was elaborating my experience n my knowledge.
friend,we call these evidences are class D. which are not reliable,at querries about your 10 years, but the positive outcomes.

Human beings have not been born to live with eating meats. Animal based proteins, of course, are much more similar to our proteins . Plant proteins are somewhat compromised by their limitation of one or more amino acids. When we restore the relatively deficient amino acid in a plant protein, we get a response rate equivalent to animal proteins. Although protein is certainly an essential nutrient which plays many key roles in the way our bodies function, we do not need huge quantities of it. In reality, we need small amounts of protein. Only one calorie out of every ten we take in needs to come from protein.
read bold words, you see how non specific. underlined sentence is completely wrong, protein metabolism take place in starvation states.and the source is vegetarian website , so poor reliability.

It is very easy for a vegan diet to meet the recommendations for protein. Nearly all vegetables, beans, grains, nuts, and seeds contain some, and often much, protein.eggs, cow's milk, meat, and fish are high quality protein. This means that they have large amounts of all the essential amino acids. Soybeans, quinoa (a grain), and spinach also are considered high quality protein. Other protein sources of non-animal origin usually have all of the essential amino acids.the myth that meat is the only way to get high quality protein, in order to get enough protein without meat, considerable care is needed in choosing foods. Actually it is much easier than we think.
bold text - is it ?
and see the easy menu, it's so easy and can find in sri lanka..

When we talk about iron ,dried beans and dark green leafy vegetables are especially good sources of iron, even better on a per calorie basis than meat. Iron absorption is increased markedly by eating foods containing vitamin C along with foods containing iron. Vegetarians do not have a higher incidence of iron deficiency than do meat eaters.Its true that Vegan diets only contain non-heme iron. Because of this, iron recommendations are higher for vegetarians than for non-vegetarians.vegan diet contains a form of iron that is not that well absorbed, vegans might be prone to developing iron deficiency anemia. However, surveys of vegans 2,3 have found that iron deficiency anemia is no more common among vegetarians than among the general population although vegans tend to have lower iron stores.Another reason for the satisfactory iron status of vegans is that vegan diets are high in vitamin C. Vitamin C acts to markedly increase absorption of non-heme iron. Adding a vitamin C source to a meal increases non-heme iron absorption up to six-fold which makes the absorption of non-heme iron as good or better than that of heme iron.
vitamin c plays a synergistic effect on iron absorption - still it's your text also say that heam iron is the best.and they haven't mentioned any research article.or link.

defective neural development,sexual intimacy, all these applies even to those who greedily eat meats.For my experience ,my climax is well in force.Im very active person.
applies - the percentage is more in vegans,thank god that you are active but usually vegans are zombies.and in case you dont know, please note these as well.
1-Weston A. Price Foundation-a vegetarian diet is far from ideal,strict vegetarianism (veganism) is detrimental to human health.
2-Stephen Byrnes, PhD, RNCP- "many of the vegetarian claims cannot be substantiated and some are simply false and dangerous.
3- H. Leon Abrams - "Humans have always been meat-eaters. The fact that no human society is entirely vegetarian, and those that are almost entirely vegetarian suffer from debilitated conditions of health, seems unequivocally to prove that a plant diet must be supplemented with at least a minimum amount of animal protein to sustain health.
4-in animal products you get saturated fats more - are required for the nervous system to function properly, and over half the fat in the brain is saturated. also help suppress inflammation. Finally, saturated animal fats carry the vital fat-soluble vitamins A, D and K2, which we we need in large amounts to be healthy.we have been consuming saturated fats from animals products, milk products and the tropical oils for thousands of years; it is the advent of modern processed vegetable oil that is associated with the epidemic of modern degenerative disease, not the consumption of saturated fats."

Its nice to see another medical student in this forum.
you are welcome.but what i feel is you are definitely not.
What western scientists are doing,most of them are controlled by big drugs companies, still no cure for cancers and HIV. It seems that they are spreading diseases in hoping mkt their drugs,its one of big business in the world today.
the bold letters at last , newer comes from a medical student. it's quite substandard knowledge if you are.and please note these nothing call cancer , that a misnomer(from hemophilia to meningioma) and refer to cluster of diseases and i'm not sure that what you are talking about.

any way as a foot note,
i'm learning stock market these days. i really take you as a serious member and i do follow your posts.and i have learned a lot. so thanks anyway.....

at last, one of my lawyer friend's saying.......
"newer argue with an expert witness at the court , eventhough you know how much about his subject.still he knows more and you could be wrong by some theory" - author unknown

happy trading , happy weekend

"Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind."

Einstein, A., (1930), "Religion and Science", New York Times Magazine, November 9, pp. 1-4, Available at: [accessed on 24/09/2011 ].

Academic wrote:
"Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind."

Einstein, A., (1930), "Religion and Science", New York Times Magazine, November 9, pp. 1-4, Available at: [accessed on 24/09/2011 ].

Absolutely true. Some scientific evidence allowing non-veg in some religion;

1. Meat is nutritious and rich in complete protein
2. Humans have Omnivorous set of teeth
3. Human beings can digest both vegetarian and non-vegetarian food
4. Even plants have life
5. Even plants can feel pain
6. Killing a living creature with two senses less is not a lesser crime

I wanted to shorten the answer here with the intention of taking the audience read first. If you are interested to find more, please visit

Very Interesting link & Thanks.

"Forbidden to you (for food) are: dead meat, blood, the flesh of swine, and that on which hath been invoked the name of other than Allah." [Al-Qur’an 5:3]

But what is the reason for forbidding PORK consumption is not clear to me?

chan5 wrote:
I gave up meats when i was 16,now 26. Im not misleading ppl, i was elaborating my experience n my knowledge.
friend,we call these evidences are class D. which are not reliable,at querries about your 10 years, but the positive outcomes.

Human beings have not been born to live with eating meats. Animal based proteins, of course, are much more similar to our proteins . Plant proteins are somewhat compromised by their limitation of one or more amino acids. When we restore the relatively deficient amino acid in a plant protein, we get a response rate equivalent to animal proteins. Although protein is certainly an essential nutrient which plays many key roles in the way our bodies function, we do not need huge quantities of it. In reality, we need small amounts of protein. Only one calorie out of every ten we take in needs to come from protein.
read bold words, you see how non specific. underlined sentence is completely wrong, protein metabolism take place in starvation states.and the source is vegetarian website , so poor reliability.

It is very easy for a vegan diet to meet the recommendations for protein. Nearly all vegetables, beans, grains, nuts, and seeds contain some, and often much, protein.eggs, cow's milk, meat, and fish are high quality protein. This means that they have large amounts of all the essential amino acids. Soybeans, quinoa (a grain), and spinach also are considered high quality protein. Other protein sources of non-animal origin usually have all of the essential amino acids.the myth that meat is the only way to get high quality protein, in order to get enough protein without meat, considerable care is needed in choosing foods. Actually it is much easier than we think.
bold text - is it ?
and see the easy menu, it's so easy and can find in sri lanka..

When we talk about iron ,dried beans and dark green leafy vegetables are especially good sources of iron, even better on a per calorie basis than meat. Iron absorption is increased markedly by eating foods containing vitamin C along with foods containing iron. Vegetarians do not have a higher incidence of iron deficiency than do meat eaters.Its true that Vegan diets only contain non-heme iron. Because of this, iron recommendations are higher for vegetarians than for non-vegetarians.vegan diet contains a form of iron that is not that well absorbed, vegans might be prone to developing iron deficiency anemia. However, surveys of vegans 2,3 have found that iron deficiency anemia is no more common among vegetarians than among the general population although vegans tend to have lower iron stores.Another reason for the satisfactory iron status of vegans is that vegan diets are high in vitamin C. Vitamin C acts to markedly increase absorption of non-heme iron. Adding a vitamin C source to a meal increases non-heme iron absorption up to six-fold which makes the absorption of non-heme iron as good or better than that of heme iron.
vitamin c plays a synergistic effect on iron absorption - still it's your text also say that heam iron is the best.and they haven't mentioned any research article.or link.

defective neural development,sexual intimacy, all these applies even to those who greedily eat meats.For my experience ,my climax is well in force.Im very active person.
applies - the percentage is more in vegans,thank god that you are active but usually vegans are zombies.and in case you dont know, please note these as well.
1-Weston A. Price Foundation-a vegetarian diet is far from ideal,strict vegetarianism (veganism) is detrimental to human health.
2-Stephen Byrnes, PhD, RNCP- "many of the vegetarian claims cannot be substantiated and some are simply false and dangerous.
3- H. Leon Abrams - "Humans have always been meat-eaters. The fact that no human society is entirely vegetarian, and those that are almost entirely vegetarian suffer from debilitated conditions of health, seems unequivocally to prove that a plant diet must be supplemented with at least a minimum amount of animal protein to sustain health.
4-in animal products you get saturated fats more - are required for the nervous system to function properly, and over half the fat in the brain is saturated. also help suppress inflammation. Finally, saturated animal fats carry the vital fat-soluble vitamins A, D and K2, which we we need in large amounts to be healthy.we have been consuming saturated fats from animals products, milk products and the tropical oils for thousands of years; it is the advent of modern processed vegetable oil that is associated with the epidemic of modern degenerative disease, not the consumption of saturated fats."

Its nice to see another medical student in this forum.
you are welcome.but what i feel is you are definitely not.
What western scientists are doing,most of them are controlled by big drugs companies, still no cure for cancers and HIV. It seems that they are spreading diseases in hoping mkt their drugs,its one of big business in the world today.
the bold letters at last , newer comes from a medical student. it's quite substandard knowledge if you are.and please note these nothing call cancer , that a misnomer(from hemophilia to meningioma) and refer to cluster of diseases and i'm not sure that what you are talking about.

any way as a foot note,
i'm learning stock market these days. i really take you as a serious member and i do follow your posts.and i have learned a lot. so thanks anyway.....

at last, one of my lawyer friend's saying.......
"newer argue with an expert witness at the court , eventhough you know how much about his subject.still he knows more and you could be wrong by some theory" - author unknown

happy trading , happy weekend

Hee its a misunderstanding who said that i was a medical student. There were few,as i cn remember, in this forum, i meant them.

Still modern science is at a tender stage. modern science is unable to give answers for most of burning matters in the earth. Still doing researches,some times even using innocent the end,most of the time, these findings make those ppl and companies reach. If this modern science is capable of delivering best, we should have a healthy world but instead the situation is worsening bringing new kind of deceases or accelerating most of existing ones.

I wanted to say,still ppl are dieing from these deceases,caners and HIV, only thing modern science can do is controlling them but medicine are very expensive. where does these money go,to the pockets of drugs companies. Now even doctors dont have ethics,they also going after money.

Oh man, this quoting has become a real headache. Guys, shall we stop using this for readability sake? Use it only when it seriously requires to quote couple of lines.

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