samaritan wrote:In the backdrop of improper Govt, depreciating rupee, rising interest rates & selloff in equity markets can you explain the constant demand as stated by you for real estate/ apartments etc.Maharaja wrote:samaritan wrote:Wish to know your prediction about Property (Real Estate) market.Maharaja wrote:Dollar will cross 160/-
No proper government today
Interest rates will increase
Sell off in equity & capital market = Guaranteed
Buy before April. Foreign buyers will buy more. Locals - less / constant demand.
Are you safe guarding the interest of the diaspora who have invested heavily in this sector and your intention is not to create any panic in that sector?????
Your real face is exposed!
Maharaja, you and connected parties would have made a lot from BFN appreciation and group’s disposal of general insurance arm. Most probably you were aware of the inside negotiations
Now that you have made hefty gains from JINS group dealings, you are dreaming of a market sell off to buy equities at rediculously low prices.