09.15.2015kassachandi wrote:TAFL will pass 140 today
didn't pass 140.00 levels (till 13:28:55) but 52 weeks high (138.50) till this time.....
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09.15.2015kassachandi wrote:TAFL will pass 140 today
for me tafl is the best stock between bfl gran.kassachandi wrote:All can understand the power if the chicken rally.next monday morning another mega run awaits
Because everything is good nowkassachandi wrote:All can understand the power if the chicken rally.next monday morning another mega run awaits
I also hope so Dear! this time, TAFL may pass BFL! I think that, TAFL's major shares are in Strong Hands!kassachandi wrote:TAFL will come near to BFL very soon. TAFL has a massive potential ahead
so buy and enjoykaruna wrote:Because everything is good nowkassachandi wrote:All can understand the power if the chicken rally.next monday morning another mega run awaits
And mm. Gomova said money lundary is ready to buy tafl gran bfl. But more move tafl.
I have to say Nancy is not rich. But she is educat
Danuman eahalai. She is master of account .buy
Right time and enjoy follow me
kassachandi wrote:Super strong TAFL will fly next week.breking 150 will see this moving towards 170 with the reports
kassachandi,kassachandi wrote:Huge buy orders propping up for TAFL. A run is very near
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