BFL - History Price movement
to me, BFL is now going to report its, ever best financial reports/earnings for ongoing FY 2022/23.
09 months ended (Q3) already, they reported 30.45 earnings per share, with a continuously growth for recent few Quarter on Quarter basis.
Outlook for Q4 can be looks more promising.
# Increase of tourist arrival
# re-opening of Hotels and Restaurants + New contracts with BFL
# removal of control price of chicken w.e.f. mid November 2021
# Increased demand of Bairaha Value added products
# Christmas and upcoming Sinhala New Year festival seasons
we already witnessed in partial, how these changers have effected to improve for BFL and CIC December quarter results.
I believe possibility for BFL to report 50+ or around EPS for its full FY and it can be value at PE of minimum 8 - 10.
My expectation, if BFL reports its, ever best EPS, then price should reach to history highest with passing earlier highest price of Rs.450, which is reported in 2010/11.
Further, BFL is Cash Rich and can expect good Dividend too.
(This is not for Buy recommendation and if wishes, better to study this factors and market pattern, before you buying shares)